Raluca Dinu, Vice President, Electro Optics ~ Lumera Nasdaq: LMRA
Recommendation for Dan Lykken
“Dan Lykken is an impressive professional, of a CEO quality. I worked with Dan for four years; with an incredible energy, focus, drive and devotion to the team, as an Officer of Lumera and the VP of Sales and Marketing, Dan Lykken led the Sales and Marketing Department at Lumera Corporation, responsible for all aspects of defining and refining the company’s strategies, markets, product positioning, opportunities and its business model.

Dan Lykken is a perfect example of the saying that the greatest leader forgets himself and attends to the development of others. H
e has a rare gift of pouring himself in guiding his team member’s career path, in understanding everybody’s dreams and helping to shape those to the benefit of the corporation’s business.

Dan has an impeccable strategic brain; he can see way ahead of others the necessary moves needed to advance the business and achieve desired success, either in organizing the team or in capturing markets and defining the right products to grow the business.

Dan Lykken is a marketing theoretician; students of a business school can without a doubt use his incredible skills in extracting and structuring the information collected over the years while reading all meaningful literature in the field. I count it as a rare privilege to have worked with Dan, I highly recommend and endorse him and I hope to work with him again in the near future.” July 16, 2008